On this page I have added a selection of messages from some of the lovely people I have worked with recently!
Chakra Course: (online, Jan-Feb 2024)
Thank you for the most excellent and informative course. Like you I was sorry it ended last night. The energy was so powerful last night and it is great testament to your teachings, keep us grounded but moving forward at the same time on our spiritual journey.
From H,
I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I too am sad our Chakra course has come to an end. The last session felt so magical, the powerful energy shared between the group was amazing, it was if I was being elevated somewhat. You have really helped my confidence over the past few months and long may our friendship continue.
I really hope to see you again as I feel it would be helpful to keep in touch and work with you as we deepen our understanding of the spiritual world. There’s plenty to learn! I look forward to attending a meditation evening too - before the summer runs out!!
H, June 2023
(Angels and Guides Course)
Thank-You Fiona Jackson for a wonderful evening of excellent mediumship. Your messages were all well received.
Committee Member, Andover Spiritual Fellowship. August 2023.
Some of the comments from the congregation that evening:
Really enjoyed it, Fiona was amazing. Y
Thank you Fiona, your message meant so much. A
Thank you Fiona and ASF for a beautiful evening. R